Running Nutrition

People start running for various reasons. For instance, for some people (Raja!), seeing my mail in the inbox could be one
Well.. jokes aside, most of us run to lose weight and/or to keep ourselves in good shape & stamina. In order to keep the body healthy & strong to run, we need to look at its nutritional needs.
Runners need to eat a diet high in carbohydrates, medium in protein and low in fat.
Carbs are our essential fuel to keep us running. Around 65% of a runner’s calorie intake should be carbohydrates.
Proteins help in muscle repair & growth. 14% of your calories should come from proteins.
Avoiding high fat foods like fried food, cookies, hot dogs will help you towards your goal. You can notice that you feel fatigued faster if you eat a high fat diet before your run.
So, right before the run, avoid caffeine, fatty foods and high-fiber foods that are hard for digesting. If you’d like instant energy before a run, have a granola bar or a banana. These are excellent pre-run energizers.
The following are the examples of food groups that help runners:
Reduce exercise induced muscle damage: Almonds, Broccoli, Spinach
Anti-inflammatory: Ginger
Protein: Lentils, Beans, Chicken, Tofu
Muscle Fuel: Bagel, Pasta, Banana, Brown rice, Pretzel, Yogurt, Oatmeal
Healthy heart: Dark Chocolate, Flax, Peanut butter, Raisins, Salmon, Sweet Red Pepper, Whole grain bread/Cereal,
Others: Kiwi, Milk, Orange, Berries, Sweet potato
The following link gives some insight into runner’s nutrition.
Last but the most important thing is : WATER
Drink lots of water to keep yourself well hydrated before, during & after your runs.

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